Friday, June 18, 2010

Exam Post!!

This is my final exam post, I have to answer 2 questions on communication technology, enjoy:

Where is Communication Technology headed over the next decade?

I think that Communication Technology is headed to great places over the next deacde. I think that people will still blog and communicate in various ways but I think the technology will defiently improve. I think tablets will be huge. I think that laptops will still be around. I'm wondering about paper and wether print will be as popular as it is now. It may very well be obsolete. I also think communicating through emails and facebook will be very popular.

How will you be commmunicating when you finish post secondary education or in 5 years time?

In 5 years time I will be communicating through emails, and letters and of course, the telephone. I think cellphones will adapt and change, becoming smaller and more developed touch screen capabilities. I think emails, through facebook or hotmail, will still be used, by myself especially because I hope to be travelling. I still think I'll be sending letters to people, be it postcards or 10 page long letters. I don't think I'll have changed how I communicate, from finishing post-secondary to 5 years from now, because I prefer these methods of communication.

1 comment:

  1. Education is so important. We study for years to become something in life. I am also busy with my MBE Practice Questions now days because I want to be a part of the bar association very badly. I have it in me and I know I can be one of the best lawyers in the world. Anyways, it is quite an informative post.
