Monday, June 14, 2010

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So along with alot of my art projects in this class I also answered some unit questions, here are my chapter 5 review questions:

Chapter 5 Review Questions

1. There are three stages to the Production Process. Name each of these stages and give a brief description of what is done in each.

The three stages to the Production Process are Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. Pre-Production is the planning stage of the production process. In the planning stage several steps are followed the first step is an idea and then the budget is determined. Once the budget is approved the idea must be translated in to a script or screen play and later a story board is designed. In the Production stage you actually videotape or collect raw footage for your video. This usually involves more people than any other part of the process, this is also the most extensive part of the process. Post Production is the final stage of the production process. It can sometimes last longer than both pre-production and production. There are three different aspects to this stage: Video and Audio Editing, Soundtrack Composing, and Marketing and Advertising.

2. Draw and label the different parts of the story board.

3. There are four hints to remember during production. Name and describe each of these hints.

The four hints to remember during production are rehearsing, set up you shots, take extra of everything and schedule, schedule, schedule! Rehearsing is when the director should go over all of the different jobs and make sure they know exactly what they’re doing. This makes sure everyone will be ready to go and the shoot will take up less time. Set up your shots is when the director makes sure the shots are all set up. All the angles are covered and lights are ready. Take extra of everything is pretty self explanatory but it is there to make sure that in case something unexpected does happen you are prepared for it. An entire shoot can be ruined because something as simple as a microphone isn’t working and to prevent this extra of everything should be packed. Schedule, schedule, schedule means that a well planned production always has a well planned schedule. So in advance of a shoot, all of the parties involved should be notified of dates, times, and what they need to bring with them.

4. Name the three aspects of Post-Production.

The three aspects of Post-Production are Video and Audio Editing, Soundtrack Composing, and Marketing and Advertising.

5. You are about to start marketing and advertising a new action movie called Total Impact. Come up with 5 creative marketing and advertising ideas to sell the movie.

5 creative marketing and advertising ideas that I came up with to sell the movie were:

- A crushed car against a billboard with the title springing from the top
- Putting up posters in various places, i.e. subways, buses, movie theaters
- A fast-paced trailer to be played before other action movies

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