Monday, March 1, 2010

Currently Listening To: Giving Up The Gun

Well long time no speak, my dear blog.

Things have been hectic for the last while and so updates have been pretty much non-existent.

That said I'll guess I'll just fill you in on what you've missed.

Since my last blog I have been catching up on all my school work. From Philosophy to Comm Tech, everyone seems to be giving me homework these days. But I'm getting by and slowly getting back into the swing of things. I've decided to drop one of my courses, grade 12 Vocals, because I can't sing a note and Mrs. Williams, the music teacher, can't even salvage a voice like mine. It's okay though, I now have a free 4th period and get to leave early every other day which is pretty awesome.

I've just been told by Jenn and Sam that I shouldn't be babbling on about my other classes and that Mr. Wrigley is more concerned with what I've been doing in here.

Which hasn't been much, I'll admit.

In Comm Tech I've only just gotten used to Photo Shop, and am getting better with Sam's help, I've been using it to create a poster for one of the Character Attributes of Korah Collegiate. There are 12 Character Attributes; caring, citizenship, cooperation, courage, fairness, honesty, integrity, leadership, loyalty, perseverance, respect and responsibility. I've chosen leadership for my poster and am using pictures from Seussical the Musical to make it.

I'd actually finished a lot of it before I began a second project. Sam and I were supposed to be making t-shirts for a club here at school and to practice we each made our own designs. Sam drew her inspiration from Billy Talent and I from Andy Warhol. I made a simple Coke bottle cap design for a bag that used only red ink. Once I finished my design we quickly got a screen fixed up and last Friday we attempted to silk screen a bag.

It really was a good effort and for the first half hour things seems to be going smoothly. The exception being that the screen ricocheted back, hitting me in the chin, and leaving me with a sizeable bruise. Then, of course, the heater nearly crushed my finger.

It was the beginning of the end.

But we continued on and out first two prints turned out fantastically. They weren't perfect, but they had a rustic feel that worked and I thought I would be sporting a new bag by the end of class. But on the third printing I messed up and the ink smeared across the bag. It was finished but by then I had a bruise covering my and a sore finger so I didn’t mind that much.

Overall it was an eventful class and that’s what you’ve missed.

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