Monday, March 8, 2010

Johnny Rotten Is Giving Me Greys

So last week was interesting, I mainly worked on my poster and was given a new assignment. Sam and I are going to be creating t-shirts for the peer mediator and it's pretty cool. We also had a quiz in Comm Tech and of course I was studying minutes before the quiz. All through last week I was also diligently working on the Johnny Rotten picture for my friend. I've got to say that this is the most irritating and time consuming piece I've ever attempted and I decided to scrap it earlier on today. I've now started a new, larger version and it's coming along a lot better then the first. The highlight of my week would have to be seeing Alice in Wonderland.

I really liked the movie and thought visual effects were fantastic. The colours were lush and the scenery whimsical. I adore Johnny Depp and it was no surprise that he created another unique character. I also thought that Mia Wasikowska did a really good job as the main character Alice.

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